
Template for preparation of second part of archaeological excavation reports

Date Released: Thursday, June 11, 2020

Since 1st January 2019 archaeological excavation licence conditions have required that reports be submitted in two parts. This was to ensure archival and public access compliance with GDPR regulations. An information note was issued by the National Monuments Service in December 2018 setting out the requirement to facilitate public access to the results of archaeological excavations while at the same time ensuring compliance with data protection requirements.

The distinction between the two parts is simple:

  • First part to contain purely archaeological information
  • Second part to be restricted in content to other information, such as name of client/developer and planning and development background (if any) to the excavation.

A completed and stapled Second Part template can be placed inside the cover of the First Part of the printed report when being submitted, and if that is done no other binding of the Second Part will be necessary. A further information note and a second part template are now available from the Application Forms section of this website.