
Review of Archaeological Survey & Mitigation Policy relating to Bord Na Móna Peatlands

Date Released: Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Review of Archaeological Survey and Mitigation Policy relating to Bord Na Móna Peatlands was commissioned by the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht in the context of approaching completion of the first round survey of all Bord Na Móna production bogs. The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gealtacht is making the Review available in the expectation that it will generate constructive comment. We welcome all views and will consider all contributions which may assist the Department in developing the best possible policies and strategies for future archaeological work in peatlands. To this end we draw your attention to the contents of the Review and to the Review Aims and Specification set out on pages 9 and 10 of the Review Final Report June 2013 (link enclosed below).

Since 1991 an annual programme of survey has been in train in Bord Na Móna bogs arising from the seminal work by the late Emeritus Professor Barry Raftery in Corlea. From 1998 this work was organised within the framework of the The Agreed Principles for the Protection of Wetland Archaeology in Bord Na Móna Bogs. The publication of the Code of Practice  between the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, the National Museum of Ireland and Bord Na Móna have brought those principles up to date in a manner which continues to build on the good working relationships established to maximise the archaeological value of the work.. We wish to progress matters in relation to that work in terms of access to it and knowledge gained and to provide a sound basis for the future both in terms of survey work funded by the Department and by re-assessment survey and excavation work funded by the other parties.

The Review represents the views of the Review team, acknowledged experts in this field of archaeological work.

We wish to thank the Review team, Dr. Benjamin Gearey, Dr. Nóra Bermingham, Caitríona Moore and Professor Robert Van de Noort and the external reviewers who assisted the Review team on specific aspects of specialist work, Dr. Eileen Reilly, Dr David Smith, Dr. Ingelise Stuijts and Dr. Rebecca Bartlett. We also wish to extend our thanks for their comments and views on an earlier draft of the review to our fellow members of the Archaeology Management Liaison Committee, Bord Na Móna, their project Archaeologist Dr. Charles Mount and the National Museum of Ireland. We wish to acknowledge the endeavour of all archaeologists who have carried out survey and excavation on Bord Na Móna bogs and those who have reported on and published this work.

The consultation period will extend until Friday December the 6th  2013. We will accept all written contributions, which can be titled Peatland Review 2013 Public Consultation and which should be addressed to The Director, National Monuments Service, Department of Arts Heritage and the Gaeltacht, The Custom House, Dublin 1 or emailed to .



BNM Review Supplement June 2013 (Supplement to The Review of Policy Relating to Bord na Mona Peatlands Since 1990)