Ministerial Directions - Roads/Prisons

Ministerial Directions for archaeological works under the National Monuments Acts 1930-2004 or the Prisons Act 2007

Section 14A of the National Monuments Act 1930 (as amended) requires that all archaeological works on an approved road development (a road development approved by An Bord Pleanála under either or both sections 49 and 51 of the Roads Act 1993, as amended) must be carried out in accordance with directions issued by the Minister, following consultation with the Director of the National Museum of Ireland.  

In addition, Ministerial directions are also required for archaeological works carried out in connection with development under the Prisons Act 2007.

Contact for further details.

NMS 4-06 Directions Application Form 130 KB
NMS 4-06 Iarratas ar Threoracha Oibreacha Seandálaíochta ar Fhorbraíocht Cheadai 132 KB